Thursday, 30 June 2011

Bunny Breakfast Time

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

My hideouts

Doing what I do best - sniffing & scratching
During my playtime, I go wandering around the house - sniffing at this, scratching and chewing at things. I love the carpet! It resembles grass and I thoroughly enjoy tugging and chewing on them. You cannot imagine what fun it is. Mummy seem to think otherwise, she constantly screams at me for doing that and will come chasing after me if I persist at it. It's a good way to get their attention though - I tug, they look at me and shout, I continue tugging and they run after me. They never catch me though cause I am fast (smug look), I will dug under the coffee table where they cannot reach me. 
This is where I hide to watch the world go by

It is my safe place whenever I am naughty. Another safe place for me is behind the big white machine called my "papa". "Papa" is not my real daddy but he keeps me safe all the same. I like to take naps behind my "papa" in the day as it is cooling and peaceful there. Only mummy knows my secret hideout and will come shouting "Thumper, go home" whenever she wants to go out. 

I hate that phrase "Go home"!!! I turn my back to mummy when she comes looking for me - it is rabbit body language for piss off, I am ignoring you. Mummy just doesn't get it and will continue to nag at me. I then turn around and growl at her to voice my displeasure - why do I have to follow what they say? Can't a rabbit have some say in when she wants to go home??? Anyhow, I always relent and run home even when I don't feel like it.

Sigh, it's a rabbit's life. 

Me in my new hiding place                

Monday, 27 June 2011

About Me

Hello I am Thumper, a 2-year old Himalayan dwarf rabbit. I stay with my mummy and daddy, but they are at work most times and it gets quite lonely at home. Fortunately, I have 2 companions - Mr Men & Bunny. 
My companions

I love evenings as I get to come out and play. I sprint around the house and nuzzle mummy and daddy when ignored. Sometimes when they are not looking, I sneak into forbidden places and chew on anything that is within my bunny reach!

                                          This is me when I was a baby. Cute right?

This is daddy

Mummy's house slipper that I love to chew on