Monday, 29 August 2011

My favourite things

Have been feeling bored recently, mummy & daddy are working late. I only get to see them a few hours at night now :(. In my boredom, I have put together a list of my favourite things:
1. Food - my daily necessity, a mixture of NPF carrot, APD Alffy, Burgess Oregano nuggets and buckwheat
I like my bowl cause there are bunny pictures on them

2. Grooming - I don't like it when my fur grows long. It is hot and makes me look scruffy. I always look pretty under Auntie Michelle's professional hands.
See my fur, all gone!

3. Lying flat on my tummy - I only do that when I am very comfortable. Mummy seems amused everytime I get into this position, she says I look cute.
Am I cute or what
4. Pat- pats - makes me feel loved
Don't stop
 5. Being carried - mummy used to carry me this way when I was young. This position makes me feel *yawn* sleepy.....
Napping in mummy's arms
6. Treats - need I say more?
What should I have today?

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Name the game

Mummy sat down and gave me her time of the day. I love it when she does that, she'll pat me and give me treats. It is dried fruits today - think it's honey dew, missed it, have been having dried berries recently. Mummy and I will play games during treat time, the first game was for me to stand on my hind and beg. Yes ...... I have no dignity when it comes to treats, will work for them, just name the game :)
Will work for food-begging for treat
Mummy says I am a clever bunny and ought to learn new tricks, and she taught me to kiss today. Initially I didn't understand what was going on and didn't do it right, I finally understood and got it right. It is so fun and I get rewarded with double treats! 
I am kissing mummy here.
I love mummy
Nom-ing away on the treat

I was tired out after the successful attempt and didn't want to continue although mummy wanted me to practice on. I mastered all my will power and walked away from the treat. 
Honey dew - you have no hold on me


Monday, 15 August 2011

Quiz Time

How much do you know me? Take a little quiz and see how much you know about bunnies

Thursday, 11 August 2011


Bunnies tend to put on weight easily especially around the tummy area. I am very conscious of that so I watch my diet strictly - give me 3 scoops of pellets and 1 portion of hay and I am a happy bunny. In addition, I try to stay trim by doing exercises like running, hopping and blinky. I find doing circuit trainings particularly effective and here's me in action

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Rewinding back to the arrival of my new home

It was a balmy afternoon and I was having my usual afternoon nap when I was awoken by the knocking of the front door. Daddy went to answer it and subsequently came into the kitchen with a big brown box. Hmmm who is that for and what is it?

Daddy opened the box and started getting busy at it. When he was done, this huge silver and black thing was wheeled towards my house. What is it? Is it for me??? It's getting me really curious now, perhaps I should get nearer and sniff it out.
Me sniffing it out
It looks odd and moves. What can it be??? The Sherlock Holmes in me decided to take a closer look.... still no clue. Hmmm detective rule #1 inspect from other angles - checked. After a while i gave up, still cannot tell what is it. Feeling fustrated I decided to ignore it.
I am so ignoring you
Daddy shifted its position and my curiosity got the better of me. It's the itch that you just have to scratch - you know what I mean.... but I still do not know what is it.

What is it??!!!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Pressies, Pressies

I love birthdays. Had a great time and received many presents! Was sprawled out from fatigue due to the party, never had so much "action" before. Was busy running away from Harry. 
Only got around to opening THE Best thing from the party - Pressies!! I am really excited to discover what are in those nicely wrapped presents and ripped off the wrappers with my trusty bunny teeth. I love what I found - yummy treats and fun toys! I now have a stash of treats to my name, mummy can no longer threaten me with not buying treats *smirks*. Here are pictures of what I received.
From Auntie Vicky & Pup cake - my favourite APD apple biscuits

This is what I got from Auntie B 
I love the packaging

My favourite croissant treats - think I will make peace with her because of them.
Such a cute bunny bag - I love

These are from the 2 Auntie Js & Harry
I love my pressies, a BIG thank you to all. Just as I thought I couldn't be any more fortunate, daddy got me a huge cage for present. It's so big that I can do my sprints in it. I feel so loved.
See plenty of room

Its so big that I can move my room around